Azerbaijan news

A great disaster has been predicted – Azerbaijan will not be bypassed

In the ranking of the countries facing the most water shortages and droughts in the world in 2040 Of Azerbaijan also has a name. Unfortunately, our country’s water resources are running out, and this is the first on the list 20is in news The 2016 report, published by the World Resources Institute, authored by Andrew Maddox, Robert Young and Paul Reig, outlines countries with severe water shortages and the causes of the crisis.
The world’s demand for water is expected to increase in the next few decades. The rapidly growing population will increase the water consumption of people, farms and companies. More people will move to cities, which will further complicate the supply. The developing middle class, which requires more water food will look for sources for the production and production of electricity.

But it is not clear where this water will come from. Climate change is expected to make some areas drier and others more humid. As excessive rainfall increases in some areas, affected communities face greater threats from drought and flooding.

Although changes in water supply and demand are inevitable, it is not clear how this change will look around the world. The first analysis by WRI sheds new light on the issue.

Climate models and social-with economic scenarios, WRI 2020Developed a ranking of 167 countries by 2030 and 2040, assessing water stress – competition and surface water depletion.

“We have determined that Chile, Estonia, Namibia and Botswana may face a particularly significant increase in water shortages by 2040,” he said. This means that businesses, farms and communities in these countries will be more vulnerable to shortages than they are today. ”

Of the 33 countries most affected by water stress in 2040, 14 are in the Middle East, including the nine countries with the highest stress ratings of 5.0 out of 5.0: Bahrain, Kuwait, Palestine, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Israel, and Saudi Arabia. Arabia, Oman and Lebanon. Azerbaijan is 18th on this list.
Note that the sequence of this list may change in 2025, 2030 and in some countries may move forward.

Institute governments national water security and national He called on to put forward climate action plans, comply with the requirements of the international climate agreement and support it.

In 2040, there are 18 years left. In the direction of protection, creation of fresh water sources in Azerbaijan or conversion of sea water into usable water national the existence of the program and what to do is not disclosed to the public.
The world says and shows that we are in danger, but what will we do in 2040?

Azerbaijan news

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