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Monkeys are close to inventing stone weapons …

Scientists have determined that, not living in a free environment orangutans can use stone weapons without prior instruction. reports with reference to technote that, Experiments on this subject have shown that orangutans are aware of how their ancestors used stone weapons. and clarified the question of when they are used.

The experiment consisted of two parts. The first part was held at the zoo in Norway, and the second part was held at the zoo in the United Kingdom. At a zoo in Norway, scientists are trying to determine whether orangutans can use silicon wafers and They wanted to know if they could cut a special container through it if they used it. Such actions are the first steps towards the creation of stone weapons.

Zoo scientists in the UK are watching other orangutans and or tried to determine if they could learn another assignment.

“As a result of research, it became clear that, orangutans do not use stone weapons in the wild. But they are free if they do not live in the environment, they can use stone weapons. We think that, orangutans do not use stone weapons in the wild because they do not need them.

However, this does not mean that they do not have this ability. It is known that, orangutans are large and they are whiteac are considered monkeys. They do not need stone weapons in the heights of the trees, “said experts.

Orangutans who took part in the experiment at the zoo in Norway used the stone. But they are just stones on the walls of the cage and hit the floor.

They did not hit one stone to get the silicon wafer. In the second experiment, the monkeys were given a ready-made plate and they are through that plate food They cut the container and took the food out of it. According to experts, this is the first case that, demonstrated the ability to cut orangutan items without prior instruction.

A zoo in the UK has shown how to hit a stone on another stone in order to get a plate of 3 female orangutans.

Molly Although the nicknamed orangutan did not get the plate material, he correctly carried out the process of hitting one stone to another.

“When an orangutan who had not been instructed before was given a ready-made plate made by man, he used that plate intuitively. and food opened the container. In general, this experience has shown it that, stone weapons (percussion instruments and Two factors for the creation of sharp stones) may be deeply rooted in the evolutionary past of man, “said the experts.

The instinct to use tools may have originated in the distant past. On the other hand, ape-like apes living in zoos may also have been influenced by humans. An example of this is tracking the use of various items by zoo visitors.

Azerbaijan news

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