Azerbaijan news

Fighting corruption: with whom? – 24 hours

President On April 4, Ilham Aliyev delivered a speech entitled “Corruption snowto intensify the struggle for 2022-2026 Milli Signed an order approving the “Action Plan”. It is mentioned in the preamble of the document that, Multidisciplinary Plan to corrupt various institutions with different areas of activity snowserves to unite the efforts of the struggle. As well as corruption snowAll state structures of the struggle and systematically with civil society institutions and allows it to be implemented in a coherent manner.

“General development and the rule of law, which has a negative impact on security and social poses a serious threat to justice, economic and social development is slow, hindering the creation of a favorable business environment“, – the order states.

The document states later that, Territories occupied as a result of the Patriotic War free A new stage of development has opened for our country. “Foreign and The new strategic priorities of the state, such as the involvement of local investors in the implementation of infrastructure projects in these areas, the expansion of entrepreneurial activity in these lands, are the herald of the future development of the region..

Let `s note that, Milli The Action Plan consists of 6 priority areas:

Measures to improve the anti-corruption legal framework;

Prevention of corruption and measures to strengthen transparency;

Ensuring financial transparency and crime way cash received with and or legalization of other property and measures to combat the financing of terrorism;

Public services and measures to improve management mechanisms;

Cooperation with civil society institutions in the fight against corruption and development of international cooperation in this field;

Anti-corruption awareness.

ADR chairman, economist Gubad Ibadoglu commented on the document that, This plan is a long one, previously envisaged in the Open Government Partnership Program that, the same transmitted from year to year and or a repetition of similar events: “For example, one of them is” and Further increase the efficiency and quality of other control measures, increase transparency in the use of funds allocated from the state budget. The executive body is also the Ministry of Finance, which does not include the Chamber of Accounts or public organizations..

The economist adds that, Currently, construction and defense receive the largest share of funds allocated from the state budget and national security areas. According to him according toso far occupied free in the areas made 3 billion Despite the fact that more than manat was spent, where and how much and Information on which companies spend it and how these companies are selected is not disclosed. “Non-transparency, lack of access to information, incomes of senior officials, including the head of state and It is not worth talking about an effective fight against corruption if it does not publish a declaration on its property“, – said the head of the ADR.

Gubad Ibadoglu notes that, The government is imitating the fight against corruption according to there is no result.

Lawyer Hafiz Hasanov told that, There is no need to adopt numerous national action plans to combat corruption. “If the rule of law is ensured in the country and everyone the law and If he has the same rights and responsibilities before the court, then there is no need for such action plans “– the expert emphasized.

Specifically, as for the now adopted national action plan to strengthen the fight against corruption, the lawyer believes that, Like previous national action plans, this action plan will not lead to fundamental changes in the fight against corruption: “It shows the implementation of the national action plans adopted so far that, In general, the fight against corruption in the country is not sincere and people have very little faith in such a struggle. Let’s mention only one fact that, The requirements of the Law on Combating Corruption for the submission of income declarations by officials have been in place for more than 18 years that, execution is not. So, the sincerity of this struggle is in doubt. She according to I also think that, the rule of law in the fight against corruption and of all the law and equal rights before the courts and equal responsibility must be ensured “.


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