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The Android version of Google Chrome has the ability to automatically change stolen passwords

Famous Google Chrome The mobile version of the browser has this in the user’s own memory and or can tell which of the other passwords was stolen. Now the browser in question has been stolen and or can change another password automatically with a new function. In this case, the user will simply be asked to click a button. Google it’s been a long time that, Any password in the Chrome browser is not valid and or informs the user that it is open. Previously, the user visited the site individually to eliminate this problem and or had to replace the stolen password when logging into the application. And now Google This process is automated in the mobile version of Chrome browser.

If Chrome finds that a password needs to be replaced with a more secure one, the user will be prompted to do so automatically. In this case, the user in turn will have to click on a button. The new feature in question Google Assistant with voice assistant Google Duplex Developed on the basis of technology. After agreeing to the automatic password change, Google Assistant will launch the relevant site and on that site, the user will simply have to allow the password to be changed. Changes made in this mode will be saved to Google Password Manager. That’s it according to The user will not need to remember any password. It should be noted that, The new feature in question is still in Chrome that, Android in the version and put into operation in some regions.

Azerbaijan news

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