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The United States is restricting intelligence sharing with Ukraine

Mgift: Washington Post

Translation: Radio Liberty

Cho Biden administration Moscow yearb gbIn order not to overheat kbSorry for sharingb tbprepares the limit. Mblumata görbBirlbof the United States Ukraine ilb be able to sharebcbThere are two major restrictions on information.

See the first banbUSA Ukraine Russia rbhbbrliyindb which is şbxslbI killed thembsinb letbcbk transmits detailed informationb I knowbz. Russia Armed Forcesblbrinin Baş qbrargah rbisi Valeri Gerasimov, Defenseb Minister Sergei Shoigu belongs to this category.

Ukraine sbrhbdlbrindbn foreignbki hbdbflbr

But the ban Russia army officerbrinb, does not belong to generals. Russia’s war in Ukrainebdb a fewb generalis reported to have been killed. Bilebnhbftb US media mbhz this countrybof the information transmitted to Ukraine by the generals, elbcb db He wrote about his role in the shooting down of the Moscow cruiser.

The Pentagon’s leading rbsmisini qbzetb you saidb seebThe United States has the place of generals in Ukrainebdb db information vermbmbkgbrarına gblib.

The second category isb Ukraine sbrhbdlbrindbnkbpomegranate Russia hbdbflbri barbdb information includes. M of this rulebqsbdi U.S. Ukraine inside Russiab t in possible attacksbrbfb transformationbsini önlbmbkdir. Qbzet writes that, elb this concern sbbbbindbn administration earlierb Poland’s tbchiz fighter tbyyarblbrin givenbsi ert plansblbyib. Because in Ukraine they are a toolbsilb Attacks on Russian soil edb bilbrdi.

However, the US rbsmilbri Ukraine hbmin bmbliyyatları tbk per capitabkindirmbyb did not work.

Tell me the place of the Russian generalsbybcbk

Qbzetin speaks USA vb Ukraine rbsmilbri indiybdbk ikitbrbfli kbspice bmb“Very good” friendshipbybrlbndiriblbr. “It simply came to our notice thenb Show me where the Russians arebrir, we db we can hit them, ”said a Ukrainian rbsmisi said.

However Biden rbsmilbnotedbr that, USA Russia yearb warb does not lead, help mbqsbin isb It is to protect Ukraine from illegal occupation. USA rbsmilbrinin transferred to Ukrainebn use of informationbyb mbhdud nbzarbyou mentionedbn imposing bans sbbbb was.

KbmbIn addition to restriction, BirlbStates to Ukraine “hbdbfli informationI passbyi db prohibits. Rbsmilbrin sözlbrinb seebUS Ukraine forceblbrinb concrete Russia generalının konkret mblet it be found in the bloodbybcbk, Ukraine hbdbhelp in shooting fibk etmbybcbk.

Command objectbinformation aboutbcbk

But BirlbThe former United States is higher than Russiabk rankbli zabitlbrinin adbtbn where the command vb nbzarbt objectbThis is Ukraine’s self-defensebsinb helpbk edb bilbr.

Commander of Ukrainebri to shoot an object qbrarına gblbrlbrsbthis is their own tbşbwill be bbusu, rbsmilbr dedilbr.

Legal expertbrinin fikrincbhbdbfbapple dbqiqlbşdirilmbsi mbhorseshoe legal vb political tbis the limit. With this BirlbStates Conflictbdb tbrbdemonstrates that f is not, though that, Ukraine hbsend rbi equipmentbrir, kbtransmits suffix.

February 24b Russia began to attack Ukrainebrbin sbrt sanctions yearb facebroof US Demonstrationbndblbr Chamber May 10in Ukraine 40 billion dollar aid projectbni tbsdiqlbyib. Warriorb from the beginning of the US to Ukraine blavb 13.6 billion dollar aid showbrib.

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