Azerbaijan news

‘Close to Putin’ former German chancellor’s office is taken away

To the German government since 1998 20Schroeder, who led until 05, has come under sharp criticism, especially after Russia’s unprovoked and unfounded attack on Ukraine.
Russia Former German Chancellor Gerhardt Schröder’s office in the Bundestag has been seized.
In addition, on May 19 Europe Schroeder in Parliament snowThere have been calls for sanctions.
Of Germany political Sources in the circles told the DPA that the decision to close Schroeder’s parliamentary office was made by the Bundestag’s budget commission.
Despite all this, the 78-year-old former chancellor will continue to receive pensions from former heads of state and use the services of special security guards.
To the German government since 1998 20Schroeder, who led until 05, has come under sharp criticism, especially after Russia’s unjustified and unfounded attack on Ukraine.
After resigning as chancellor, he worked on the North Stream-2 project of Russia’s Gazprom.
That’s it news given that parliament Schroeder’s decision of the commission Russia affiliation with companies or its president Vladimir PutinProximity to
A source in the DPA said that such an approach may be due to certain legal complications.
On May 19 Europe A resolution passed by parliament calls for sanctions against Russia over its attack on Ukraine Russia former employees of companies Europe should also apply to politicians.

Money cannot replace freedom and democracy
Europe deputiesFormer Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schussel and former French Prime Minister Francois Philo, who recently resigned from Russian companies, have been named.
the European parliament He also called on Schroeder, a member of Russia’s Rosneft board of directors, and Karin Kneissli, a former Austrian foreign minister, to resign.
The resolution adopted by the European Parliament reads:
Ukraine We remain in solidarity with the people and declare that the war on Europe’s borders is for Europe social and can lead to economic consequences. We fully understand that democracy and freedom have no money and social there is no equivalent of comfort. ”
Of the European Parliament deputiescalled for expansion of EU sanctions list
Currently, the European Union has blacklisted about 6,000 people in connection with Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.


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