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Scientists have recorded a second radio signal coming from space and repeating

Coming from the depths of space from time to time radio signals are short-wavelength radio waves that occur within a few milliseconds. Such a signal was first recorded in 2007. There is still no final opinion on the sources of these signals, and this issue has been under discussion for a long time. However, according to the information, scientists are gradually approaching to unravel the secrets of these secret signals. FRB 20190520B The new radio signal, which got its name, is located in China FAST was recorded through a radio telescope called. Scientists later discovered weaker and more permanent radio waves associated with this radio signal. Located in the Hawaiian Islands Subaru Thanks to observations made through the telescope, scientists have determined that these new radio signals are from Earth 3 billion light years come from a dwarf galaxy at a distance of

According to scientists, the radio signal FRB 20190520B is the second detected permanent radio signal associated with a constant source of radiation. The first such radio signal was recorded in 2012. Scientists on that radio signal FRB 121102 gave the name. California Institute of Technology specialist Casey LawAccording to APA, the new high-speed radio signal is similar to the one recorded in 2012. Now scientists are trying to find out whether the sources of such signals have evolved and whether different sources of radio frequency can generate radio signals. “One of the important questions in this matter is whether all FRB sources can generate repetitive high-speed radio signals. I think all FRBs are initially repetitive. However, after some time, “as the source of the signal” ages “, its activity decreases,” said one of the experts. Scientists believe that the source of the radio signal FRB 20190520B is still young in terms of space scale.

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