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What foods are important to overcome oncological disease?

With the increasing number of oncological diseases not only in the world, but also in our country, there are certain discussions about them. Accessible treatment, pre- and post-operative processes, elimination of complications make both patients themselves and their relatives collect information from various sources.

One of the important issues is weight loss and rapid weight loss in patients after oncological operations. A radiologist-oncologist and a nutritionist gave an explanation on the subject.

Why do patients lose weight after surgery?

Radiologist-oncologist, professor Berrin Wrestler notes that metabolic needs increase after oncological surgery; a systemic inflammatory reaction occurs in the body and a negative energy balance prevails, which leads to weight loss:

– There is an advanced postoperative recovery program designed to minimize surgical complications in operated patients. In this program protocol, avoiding starvation, consuming fluids and carbohydrates before surgery, and starting a diet from the first day after surgery are important factors to prevent weight loss.

– What should such patients pay attention to during feeding?

– Depending on the type, stage and localization of the tumor, different oncological operations affect the nutritional status of patients in different ways. For example, gastrectomy (complete removal of the stomach – ed.) can cause effects such as early satiety, indigestion, dysphagia, and bacterial overgrowth, or loss of duodenal surface area, impaired absorption of iron, vitamin B12, calcium, fat, amino acids, and carotene.

Patient-specific insufficient food A nutrition plan should be created taking into account the various reasons for its intake. Enough about this plan food if reception is not possible, an enteral feeding plan can be applied. Protein and energy needs of cancer patients increase. Taking into account the age, weight, height and treatment of a person, the daily energy and protein needs should be determined, and a low-carbohydrate diet should be applied.

– Is it possible for them to return to their lives before the disease?

– With the right treatment, healthy nutrition and strong psychology, patients can return to their old lives with minimal disadvantages.

– How should the patient’s need for water be met? Doesn’t drinking too much water cause weight loss again?

– Daily water consumption should be 30-35 ml per kilogram of normal weight. Excessive water consumption can cause sudden loss of appetite, but this should not be a reason not to drink water. A person should drink as much water as I indicated above during the day and stay away from water during mealtimes so as not to cause loss of appetite.

What and how much should cancer patients eat?

Nutritionist Esin Bashka which of those suffering from oncological disease food gave recommendations on using their products:

– What foods should cancer patients eat more?

– Cancer patients are primarily natural, unprocessed and village they should use food without chemical residues used in their farm. In addition, research shows that cancer patients have the most success in their treatment process with a low-carb, ketogenic diet. With these in mind, cancer patients should consume more non-starchy vegetables, healthy fats and products from naturally raised animals.

– Which carbohydrate-containing foods are allowed to consume – breadpotatoes, etc.?

– Foods containing carbohydrates are not recommended for cancer patients. This group includes starchy vegetables like potatoes, legumes like peas, and fruits. Cancer patients can eat mountain fruits such as myrtle, raspberries and blackberries, as long as they are few.

– Oncology patients are advised to consume more protein: is it only meat and meat products, or is it possible to get protein from some other products?

– Plant originhand proteins are found in legumes, grains, nuts and seeds. However, these foods contain carbohydrates as well as proteins. Plant originhand proteins may be recommended for healthy people, but they are not recommended for cancer patients because they also contain carbohydrates. Unburnt, ie medium-cooked, animal origin to be compatible with a ketogenic diet during cancer treatmenthand we recommend protein.

– Buries, sausages, etc. Can you consume very spicy meat products?

– Processed meats are classified as group 1 carcinogens by the World Health Organization (WHO). This group also includes cigarettes. Under no circumstances should processed meat be recommended to cancer patients.

– But red or white meat should be consumed more?

– Red meat has more fat and cholesterol than white meat. For this reason, heart-healthy individuals may gravitate toward white meat. In addition, excessive cooking and burning of both meats causes the formation of carcinogenic substances. Consuming both red and white meat without burning it, paying attention to cholesterol levels, choosing white meat if necessary are points that cancer patients should pay attention to.

– Which oils can be used in food, and which ones are strictly prohibited?

– Olive oil should be used in food, but it should not be heated at high temperature. Food should be cooked in water as much as possible and olive oil should be added later. If cholesterol is not a concern, natural butter can also be used. Trans fats such as margarine; Frying oils such as sunflower and corn should never be used.

– What vegetables, greens and fruits are recommended for patients who have undergone oncological surgery?

– Vegetables like leeks, eggplant, green beans, spinach, dill, parsley, greens like chard, blueberries, raspberries Forest fruits can be recommended. Cooking vegetables is important to facilitate digestion.

– There is no harm in citrus fruits, right?

– From citrus fruits, for example, grapefruit can be consumed after consulting a doctor, as it can change the effect of drugs. Fruits like oranges and tangerines are not recommended for cancer patients because they contain sugar. Lemon can be mixed with water or used in salads if desired.

– Is it possible to drink carbonated water?

– Carbonated drinks can be natural or artificial. If it does not bother the patient, natural mineral water can be preferred. Artificially obtained carbonated, sweetened drinks are not recommended.

– Can drinks such as tea and coffee be given to patients who have undergone oncological surgery?

– Adequate food and fluid intake should be the patient’s priority after oncological surgery. Tea and coffee have a diuretic effect and can cause fluid loss in the body. Therefore, their consumption should be limited. Liquid needs should be met with water, tea and coffee should not be consumed. (

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