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Ukrainians are behind Dugina’s death

In Russia, the ultra-nationalist philosopher Dugin spoke as an ardent supporter of Russia’s war in Ukraine

USA intelligence believes that the Kremlin-linked far-right Alexander Duginbehind the death of his daughter Ukraine elements within the government stand. About USA media wrote on October 5.

As a result of the explosion of the car he was driving perished has been The United States in this attack handdid not know about the plan in advance, he would have opposed the murder if he had been advised, said unnamed sources.

of August 20in in Moscow related to the incident USA “The New York Times” wrote for the first time about the assessment of intelligence.

However, who specifically ordered the murder, or President Volodymyr Zelenskywas aware of the plan – these issues are not clear.

Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) also a few days after the incident Ukraine accused the secret service.

However Ukraine adviser to the president Mykhailo Podoliak He denied that Kiev was behind the assassination.

Commenting on the assessment of the US intelligence, Podoliak again voiced the same denial. According to him, killing in any country during the war should be of practical importance. “It must have a specific, tactical or strategic purpose. Someone like Dugina is not a tactical or strategic target for Ukraine.” – he said.

There was no official statement except from Ukraine. US intelligence agencies have not commented on the issue either.

The US has condemned the deliberate targeting of civilians anywhere since that incident.

The country’s intelligence officials believe that the main target of the explosion was Dugina’s father, who did not get into the car that night.

In Russia, the ultra-nationalist philosopher Dugin spoke as an ardent supporter of Russia’s war in Ukraine.

Ukrainian government until now Russia did not deny that he killed officials appointed by Moscow in the territories occupied by his forces.


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