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It was put in the closet because it was fake, it turned out to be real! A gold coin proves the existence of a Roman emperor |

A gold coin found in Romania’s Transylvania region in 1713 has proven that the 3rd century Roman emperor Sponsia, who was believed to have gone down in history as a fictional character, actually existed. According to a report on the BBC, a coin bearing the name and portrait of Sponsia was issued by the Roman Empire more than 300 years ago.flour was found in 1713 in Transylvania, an outpost.

After the coin was found, it was classified as a “forgery” and placed in a museum cabinet. Scientists say that scratch marks visible under a microscope 20It proves that it was in circulation 00 years ago.

Prof. one of the teams that revealed that the emperor is real. Dr. Paul Pearson, “What we have found is an emperor. It was thought to be a fake and ignored by experts, but we think it is real and played a role in history,” he said. he said.

When Pearson saw photographs of the coin while doing research for a book on the history of the Roman Empire, he noticed scratches on the coin’s surface that he believed were caused by circulation. Pearson then contacted museum management to examine the coin, which was kept under lock and key at the University of Glasgow’s Hunterian Museum because it was believed to be a fake.

According to Jesper Ericsson, the museum’s curator of coins and who worked with Pearson on the project, chemical analysis also showed that the coin had been buried for hundreds of years. Coin scratch marks examined under a microscope 2000 years ago proved to be in circulation.

Although the coin in question was thought to be a genuine Roman coin until the mid-19th century, experts later suspected that it might have been produced by forgers of the time due to its crude design.


France National Henry Cohen, a leading numismatist of the era in his library, described the coin in question in 1863 as both a “modern forgery” and an “unsuccessful construction and comical design”; Cohen’s opinion was accepted by other experts, and Sponsian has been removed from scientific catalogs to this day.

Examining the three coins with the name and portrait of Sponsia under a stronger microscope, scientists confirmed that there were indeed scratches on them, and that the patterns created by these scratches were formed as a result of transportation in sacks. Details of the study were published in the journal PLOS 1.

Explorers Sponsian was crowned emperor of Dacia, the most remote and feared province of the Roman Empire military they think he is the commander.

Surrounded by enemies and cut off from Rome, according to Jesper Ericsson, Sponian was probably during a time of chaos and civil war. higher assumed command, protecting Dacia’s military and civilian population until order was restored and the province evacuated in 271 BC. -275.


“Our interpretation was that he was responsible for maintaining control of the military and the civilian population as they were surrounded and completely cut off. They decided to mint their own coins to create a working economy in the area,” said Ericsson. did the assessment.

Pearson added: “Maybe they didn’t know who the real emperor was because there was a civil war going on, but because there was no real power from Rome, they needed higher military was the commander. (Sponsian) needed a commander.” he said. The coins are on display at the Hunterian Museum in Glasgow, Scotland.


Translation“24 HOURS”

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