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Prime Minister Sunak says the UK and the EU have an agreement on how to resolve the Northern Ireland protocol – #Prime #Minister #Sunak #agreement #resolve #Northern #Ireland #protocol

MUNICH, Feb 18 (Reuters) – Britain’s Rishi Sunak, Europe After positive discussions with Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, he said “intense work” is needed in the coming days to reach a solution to the Northern Ireland protocol issue.

The two sides, who met at the annual Munich Security Conference, agreed that “very good progress” had been made to address post-Brexit trade challenges in the province, the Prime Minister’s spokesman said on Saturday.

The talks follow weeks of media speculation that a deal was imminent with the EU to revise the Northern Ireland protocol agreed when Britain left the bloc three years ago.

The altar is also the main of Northern Ireland in Belfast on Friday political by holding meetings with his parties and telling them about trade and post-Brexit customs said that progress has been made on a new agreement to simplify the rules.

The solution way In April, world leaders held intensive talks in the direction of finding sects and sects that have been going on for thirty years in the province political It comes as they prepare to mark the 25th anniversary of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement that ended the violence.

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Speaking earlier in Munich, Sunak said the new deal was “by no means complete”, adding that Brussels and London understood how the issues could be resolved.

“There are still issues to work on … there is no agreement in place. There is an understanding of what needs to be done,” said Sunak. “We are working hard on them (issues) and we will work intensively with the EU, but we are not done yet.”


A spokesman for Sunak said he and von der Leyen had a positive discussion about the protocol, but added that “intensive work is still needed at official and ministerial level in the coming days” and they agreed to stay in close contact.

Jeffrey Donaldson, leader of Northern Ireland’s largest pro-British party, the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), also said there were some issues to be resolved after meeting Sunak on Friday.

The DUP’s support for an agreed protocol to avoid a hard border with EU member Ireland after Brexit protest As the region has been boycotting its parliament for a year, it is crucial for any agreement.

Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar’s office in Munich Britain said that he was informed about the state of negotiations by von der Leyen before meeting with his leader.

“Taoiseach (Varadkar) EU and Big Britain expressed his desire to see a positive result that provides a new foundation for relations between them,” he said from his office.

Sunak assured the audience at the conference that Britain wants to establish a positive relationship with the bloc. “Great Britain Europe He may have left the union. “He did not leave Europe. we Europe we are the people”.

Reporting by Muvija M and Kate Holton; Edited by Jane Merriman and David Holmes

Our standards: Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

2023-02-18 23:01:35
Source – reuters

Translation“24 HOURS”

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