Azerbaijan news

Erdogan and Pashinyan declare political will to normalise relations

Turkish President Erdogan had a telephone conversation with Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan on 18 June.

According to the Turkish President’s press service, Pashinyan congratulated Erdogan on the Kurban Bayram holiday, while Erdogan congratulated Pashinyan on the upcoming Transfiguration Day of Jesus Christ. 

Erdogan expressed condolences to Pashinyan over the recent flooding in Armenia’s northern regions. 

“During the conversation, both leaders underlined their political will to fully normalise relations between Turkey and Armenia without preconditions. In this context, the leaders noted the importance of continuing the talks between the special representatives of the two countries and reaffirmed the issues agreed upon so far. The leaders also noted with satisfaction the ongoing dialogue between high-ranking officials of Turkey and Armenia,” the Turkish side said in a statement.

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