
Anglo Asian Mining and Azergold plan to sell gold to local jewelers

Anglo Asian Mining and Azergold are expected to sell gold to local jewelers in the coming years, Chairman of the Azerbaijan Jewelers Association Togrul Abbasguliyev told Report.

“We discussed cooperation with Anglo Asian Mining and Azergold CJSC. We want to involve these companies in the local industry,” Abbasguliyev noted.

The companies’ activities include: study, research, exploration, management of precious and non-ferrous metal ore deposits in Azerbaijan, production, processing, and sale of valuable and delicate metals, application of new technologies in this field, modernization and efficient use of the material and technical base, and others. At present, these enterprises export gold and other precious metals only to foreign markets.

In general, in the first six months of this year, the country produced 3,862 kilograms of gold and silver, which is an increase of 12.3% compared to the same period last year.


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