
​Entrance to tourism facilities to be free

On the occasion of elimination of some restrictions on quarantine, Eid al-Fitr, Republic Day and the International Day for Protection of Children, entrance to some tourism facilities will be free from May 19 till June 2, Report informs, citing the State Tourism Agency.

By keeping social distance and obeying sanitary-epidemiological rules, the visitors can enter the following facilities freely:

“Yanardag” State Historical, Cultural and Natural Reserve;

“Ateshgah Temple” State Historical Architectural Reserve;

“Lahij” State Historical and Cultural Reserve;

Shaki Historical-Ethnography Museum;

Museum of Folk and Applied Arts in Shaki

Restrictions on the entrance to tourism facilities, including galleries and museums of the State Tourism Agency, have been eliminated since May 18 upon the decision of the Task Force of the Cabinet of Ministers. 


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