
Former Afghan president calls NATO mission in country ‘a failure’

Former Afghan President (2004-2014) Hamid Karzai considers the results of NATO’s 20-year mission in the country a failure since, over the years, the situation with terrorism in the region has changed for the worse, Report informs.

The politician expressed his opinion in an interview with The Times newspaper.

“The country is in shock, in such dire, dire straits,” Karzai told The Times at his home in Kabul. “Look at the scene. We are in shambles. The country is in conflict. There is immense suffering for the Afghan people. How did the American-Nato exercise in Afghanistan lead to this? Those who came here 20 years ago in the name of fighting extremism and terrorism not only failed to end it but, under their watch, extremism in Afghanistan has flourished. That is what I call a failure.”

He noted that the presence of NATO troops in Afghanistan was supposed to become a ‘stabilizing factor,’ but this did not happen, as the military personnel participating in the alliance mission invaded Afghan villages, fired at civilians, or broke into civilian homes at night and killed their families.


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