
Special operation in Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Three officials arrested

Public Relations Department of the State Security Service (SBS) of Azerbaijan has commented on the operation, conducted in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Report informs citing the SBS’s website.

Some officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Azerbaijan Republic (MFA) intentionally abused their powers and committed numerous unlawful activities causing damage to the state’s interests protected by law. Investigative and operational measures were taken to this effect.

Data was studied on the appropriation of state funds intended to support the activities of specific structures of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, receiving bribes, including in connection with visa applications from foreign nationals, as well as information on the commission of other illegal actions.

Suspected officials, Chairman of the Tender Commission of the Ministry Farhad Mollazade, Head of the Economics Department Salim Alizade, and Head of the Consular and Legal Department Nurupasha Abdullayev were detained.

Farhad Mollazade and Salim Alizade accused on the facts of abuse of power, misappropriation, bribery, Nurupasha Abdullaev – on the fact of receiving bribes. 

Preventive measure in the form of arrest was chosen in respect of them.

Investigative and operational measures are ongoing.


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