Azerbaijan news

Unknown SIHA hit! Air attack on Iranian terrorists in Syria

Unidentified IDF forces attacked a convoy of Iranian-backed foreign terrorist groups in Elbukemal district of Deir ez-Zor province in eastern Syria. weather carried out the attack.

According to the information received by the correspondent of AA from the field sources, near the settlement of Elbukemal in the east of Deir ez-Zor, SIRHAs of unknown origin attacked the logistics convoy of foreign terrorist groups supported by Iran.

At least 4 trucks full of boxes were attacked in the convoy that entered Syria from Iraq and was targeted in Herri village of Elbukemal settlement.

There are no reports of casualties or injuries in the attack. Before that, the Israeli army announced that it targeted an Iranian weapons convoy on the Syrian-Iraq border in November 2022.

In the areas of Elbukemal, Muhsan and al-Mayadin east of Deir ez-Zor Iran and foreign terrorist groups supported by Iran are known to have a strong presence.

The central and western part of Deir ez-Zor province fell into the hands of the Assad regime after the withdrawal of the Daesh terrorist organization in November 2017 with the help of groups supported by Iran and Russia.

Foreign terrorist groups supported by Iran, which has become the ground power of the regime, are most present in Deir ez-Zor.

Located in Deir ez-Zor, where Sunni Arabs live IranIraq, Lebanon, Afghan and to Pakistani groups Iran Members of the Revolutionary Guards Army are in command. (AA)

Translation“24 HOURS”

Azerbaijan news

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