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Australian prime minister defends AUKUS submarine deal against critics | – #Australian #prime #minister #defends #AUKUS #submarine #deal #critics

SYDNEY, March 16 (Reuters) – Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese on Thursday announced the country’s 368-year ban on the deal after two former leaders criticized the deal over its cost, complexity and potential sovereignty issues. billion Australian dollar (244.06 billion dollars) defended the plan to acquire nuclear submarines worth.

Australia’s multi-decade AUKUS project presented in San Diego on Tuesday Britain and prior to the co-production and commissioning of Australia’s new SSN-AUKUS submarines USAwill see it acquire Virginia-class submarines.

Both ex Prime Minister After criticism from Malcolm Turnbull and Paul Keating, Albanese, China in what he called the largest region since World War II military taking into account the increase in power, he said that the agreement is necessary.

“China has changed its position and position on world affairs since the 1990s … that’s the truth of the matter,” he said.

Turnbull said on Thursday that the AUKUS project was “recklessly” in 2021. cancellation It would take longer and cost more than the alternative plan to buy conventional French submarines.

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“We’ve fallen into this loop where anyone who expresses any kind of concern about it is accused or labeled as unpatriotic,” Turnbull said.

on Wednesday judge Former Labor Prime Minister Paul Keating, AUKUS in the First World War military called the worst foreign policy mistake of the party after the failed proposal to introduce the service.

Criticism of the security pact, which has bipartisan support in parliament, has been largely confined to academics, former politicians and minor parties.

According to him, USABritain favoring nuclear submarines in its alliance over conventional alternatives would leave Australia with fewer submarines, while the country’s USAwill limit its ability to function independently of

“Anthony Albanese has screwed in place the last shackle in the long chain that the United States has put in place to capture China,” he said.

Some analysts have argued that nuclear submarines are preferred because their superior range and stealth will help protect Australia’s trade routes from Chinese aggression.

(US$1 = AUD$1.5078)

Reporting by Lewis Jackson Editing by Alasdair Pal and Gerry Doyle

Our standards: Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

2023-03-16 08:34:30
Source – reuters

Translation“24 HOURS”

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