
​Azerbaijan to apply SMS permission system in 4 cities, one region

Azerbaijan is easing the quarantine restrictions amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Thus, the permission to leave home upon text messaging, registration on “icaze.e-gov.az” portal, by presenting service card or a certificate of employment will be abolished from May 4 in all cities and regions, except Baku, Sumgayit, Ganja and Lankaran cities and Absheron region, as well as the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, according to the Task Force under the Cabinet of Ministers.

Earlier, The Azerbaijani government decided to relax the restrictions on some fields from April 27. The duration of permits to leave the place of residence based on an SMS message sent to 8103 extended from two to three hours.

So far, 1,804 people have contracted the coronavirus in Azerbaijan, 1,325 of those infected recovered, 24 died. 


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