
​Egyptian President congratulates Ilham Aliyev

President of the Arab Republic of Egypt Abdel Fattah Al Sisi has sent a congratulatory letter to Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev on May 28 – Republic Day.

The congratulation message reads:

“It gives me immense pleasure to extend to Your Excellency and through you to your friendly people my heartfelt greetings on your country’s celebration of the Republic Day.

I take this excellent opportunity to express my keenness on further promoting our bilateral relations in all domains for the best interest of our two friendly countries.

Please accept my sincerest wishes for the best of your well-being and for the friendly Azerbaijani people’s welfare and prosperity.”

On May 28, Azerbaijan celebrates the Republic Day.

The 1917 Russian Revolution put an end to the rule of the Romanovs and saw the collapse of the Russian Empire. Shortly after that, on May 28, 1918, patriotic leaders in Azerbaijan founded the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan.

The Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan was the first democratic republic in the East. It was a parliamentary state, had a flag, an anthem, and an army.

The Republic Day is celebrated as a state holiday on May 28 since 1990.


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