
​Azerbaijan reports new daily record in COVID-19 cases

Azerbaijan confirmed new 338 coronavirus cases, a daily record, bringing the total number to 6,860 as of June 5, the Task Force under the Cabinet of Ministers told Report.

As many as 134 people recovered from the infection, while four coronavirus patients born in 1940, 1972 and two in 1957, passed away.

So far, a total of 3,871 patients have recovered from the disease, while 82 others died. The treatment of 2,907 people (66 are in critical, 73 moderate, others in stable condition) is underway.

A total of 328,385 coronavirus tests have been conducted across the country.

The country imposed a month-long lockdown on March 24 and first extended it until May 31, then June 15.

On May 31, the country eased some restrictions, reopening large shopping centers and malls (except for children and other entertainment centers, cinemas, and public catering spaces), allowing outdoor sports events without spectators. Moreover, on-site customer service in restaurants, cafés, tea houses, as well as all public catering establishments will be restored from 08:00 to 22:00 (except for the public catering establishments using hookah and organization of mass festivities, meetings with more than ten people).

The Cabinet of Ministers has decided to impose a weekend curfew in Baku, Sumgayit, Ganja, Lankaran cities and Absheron region on June 6-8, to slow down the spread of coronavirus.

Activities in all areas of service, as well as the movement of transport (except for special-purpose cars, emergency vehicles, ambulances, and service automobiles of organizations authorized to operate) in four cities and Absheron region, will be halted from 00:00 on June 6 to 06:00 am on June 8.

Citizens will be prohibited from leaving their places of residence on the date mentioned above, except the cases of imminent danger to their life and health and an urgent need for medical care, and participation in the funeral of close relatives. In such cases, they are allowed to leave home only through emergency medical services or upon permission by the Duty Services Administration Department of the Interior Ministry calling Call Center 102.


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