
Libyan Army frees strategic city from Haftar forces

The Libyan army on Friday liberated the strategic Tarhuna city from the militia of warlord Khalifa Haftar.

Army forces stormed the city from four directions early on Friday and clashed with the infamous militia of Kaniyat. After around one hour of fire exchange, the militia was defeated.

According to Turkish media, the army noted that they aim to head toward Sirte, Al-Jufra, and oil fields in the south.

Tarhuna was a major focal point for supply lines for Haftar’s militias from Al-Jufra Airbase.

The Libyan Army on Thursday announced the complete liberation of the capital Tripoli and that its troops were moving to liberate Tarhuna, the last stronghold for Haftar in western Libya.

In March, the Libyan government launched Operation Peace Storm to counter attacks on the capital, and newly regained strategic locations, including Al-Watiya airbase, in a significant blow to Haftar’s forces.


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