
​DEIK: Azerbaijan and Turkey can shift from regional cooperation to ec

“As a Turkish business world, the main opportunity we should take is to get a position in the global supply chain, which is expected to separate from China. The developed industrial infrastructure of Turkey, which has a Customs Union with Europe, is in a favorable position. To benefit from this opportunity, the Customs Union should be updated, and the model of relations with England after Brexit must be established on a health basis,” Selcuk Akat, chairman of the DEIK Turkey-Azerbaijan Business Council told Anadolu Agency.

Reminding the 30th anniversary of independence of Azerbaijan and other countries to be held next year, Akat noted that Turkey opened embassies in these countries once they gain independence: “Turkish Airlines made business activity available in these countries by starting flights to these regions. For the present, we must consider our regional cooperation and form it on the basis of a new strategic concept. So that we can shift from regional economic cooperation to economic integration.”


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