
​BHOS launches I International Scientific Conferences

Today, the 1st International Scientific Conferences of Students and Young Researchers started online at Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS).

The online conference is being attended by BHOS teachers and students, as well as participants from about 100 different universities in the country.

The first conference, titled “Chemistry and Sustainable Development in Chemical Engineering,” includes such topics as Environmental Problems and Biotechnology, Oil & Gas and Petrochemical Processes, Advanced Materials and Polymers.

The conference was opened by a keynote speech from Rector of Baku Higher Oil School Elmar Gasimov.

The rector noted that the primary goal of the conference, which has been held annually at Higher School for eight years, is to increase students’ interest in science and research and to provide an opportunity for them to exchange knowledge and experience in this area.

Elmar Gasimov emphasized that the student scientific and technical conference is dedicated to the 97th birthday anniversary of National Leader Heydar Aliyev as a sign of deep respect for his personality.

“The dedication of this conference to the 97th anniversary of the National Leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev is a manifestation of respect for his personality as a founder of modern Azerbaijan and the national oil strategy. This year’s conference differs in format and scale from the conferences that were held in previous years. Due to the widespread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in the world, it was impossible to organize conferences this year at the arranged time and format. Nevertheless, given a large number of theses and articles submitted by students and researchers, we believe that online conferences will be productive. At the same time, this year, conferences are being held at the international level for the first time. Such conferences provide a unique opportunity for students to share their knowledge and experience and, at the same time, they invite attention to the social relevance of scientific activities,” the rector said.

Elmar Gasimov also stressed that such events are of particular importance in exchanging scientific knowledge among students and sharing research results with the public.

“Participation in these conferences not only allows students to gain more in-depth knowledge of the subjects taught but also creates conditions for broadening their worldview and enriching their knowledge in scientific and technical fields,” he added.

Note that students and young researchers from various educational institutions in Azerbaijan and their peers from countries such as Iran, Russia, and Georgia presented theses to the conference.

The Conference on Drilling and Renewable Energy Sources will be held on June 8 – 11, and the Conference on Process Automation and Information Security will take place on June 10 – 11. At these conferences, discussions will be held on a number of topical issues.

The conference, which will run until June 11, consists of panel sessions. At the end of the event, reports prepared by students will be evaluated.


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