
French expert: Alternative energy is a huge advantage

“The years coming will be the period of fundamental changes in the alternative energy field,” Member of Green Economy Committee under the French Ministry of Ecology, Energy and sea, expert Jean Yves Leber told Report.

According to him, the renewed energy costs cheaper: “The electricity price is two, even four times higher when the power stations are built with high-security standards. Today’s development of the industry allows us to get renewable energy at a lower price. In the past, wind power was used to get flour from the wheat. Providing its sustainability is a more interesting issue for us than its price. We are now thinking of ways to store it effectively after sunset.”

He said that the price of alternative energy is more stable than traditional power.

“The cost of this type of energy does not depend on growth and decline in oil price, political changes in Israel, Saudi Arabia, and other countries, geopolitical risks. It is a great advantage for countries intending to keep their destine in their hands. In the past, the equipment for alternative energy cost expensive. However, as the global use of alternative energy increased, the equipment’s price began to fall. Today, the prices of these appliances are both low and stable everywhere. Solar panels are sold at a stable price everywhere. And it allows us to calculate the exact price and be more transparent.”

According to the expert, more ecological ways have been found to obtain alternative energy: “The materials used in the preparation of solar panels are renewable and are not harmful to ecology. 80-90% of solar panels are renewable. However, they require a high volume of electricity. Carbon emissions in countries that use coal to get electricity are high. This issue is on the producers’ attention, and carbonless electricity is preferred to produce solar panels. The service life of the solar panels is 20-30 years. 2-3 after they were put into use, the costs of energy used for their preparation are covered.”

The expert touched upon German practice in this field: “Shifting to the alternative energy in Germany is a political choice by the Green Party. However, Germany has an economic interest in it. It is one of the leading countries producing materials for renewable energy. However, it was revealed that it is not profitable in terms of economy. China offers more favorable financial conditions in this regard. At the same time, domestic demand for electricity in China is more than in Germany.”


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