
Armenian PM again helpless before international community

“The Eastern Partnership countries held Summit through videoconferencing on June 18. “Azerbaijan signed a document on strategic partnership with nine members of the European Union,” Report quotes, Milli Majlis Speaker Sahiba Gafarova.

‘At yesterday’s Summit, the President stressed that we are already in the final stages of negotiations for a new partnership agreement with the European Union, and 90 percent of the text has been agreed:

“Therefore, holding the summit at such a stage is very significant for the further development of relations between the European Union and Azerbaijan.”

Gafarova said that another remarkable point of the President’s speech was the exposure of the Armenian Prime Minister once again:

“The President conveyed to the international community the firm and fair position of our country on the settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Explaining the Armenian government’s attempts to disrupt the talks, the head of state said that Armenia has not complied with the relevant documents on the conflict adopted by international organizations in recent days, is pursuing a policy of illegal settlement in the occupied territories. In the face of the indisputable facts and arguments voiced by the President of Azerbaijan, the Prime Minister of Armenia once again found himself helpless in the eyes of the international community.


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