
AZAL launches special flights to Berlin

Starting from July 17, Azerbaijan’s national air carrier will begin to perform select flights on the Baku-Berlin-Baku route. The flights will be operated once per week until August 28 (on Fridays), Report says, citing Press service of Azerbaijan Airlines CJSC (AZAL).

Tickets will be available in particular conditions.

Passengers holding permanent or temporary residence in Germany (including students) and citizens of the EU countries can fly by the Baku-Berlin flights.

Citizens of Azerbaijan and other states holding a permit for permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan are allowed on the Berlin-Baku flights.

Tickets can be purchased on the official website of the airline (www.azal.az).

When purchasing economy class tickets, Azerbaijani students studying abroad can take advantage of a 30% discount. The procedure for obtaining discounts on the website can be found at https://youtu.be/HylsY0m9cEM using the example of the Istanbul-Baku flight.

Only passengers tested negative for coronavirus (COVID-19) will be allowed to board the flights. The following is the list of laboratories accredited by the Management Union of the Medical Territorial Unit (TABIB) where passengers can be tested for COVID-19 without a doctor’s referral:

– Referans Clinical Laboratory Centre;

– Leyla Medical Centre;

– Memorial Clinic;

– Bona Dea International Hospital;

– Inci Laboratories;

– Center for Control of Particularly Dangerous Infections;

– Caspian International Hospital;

– UltraLab.

If 48 hours before departure, passengers are issued certificates complying with Germany’s requirements. (https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/N/Neuartiges_Coronavirus/Transport/BMG_Merkblatt_Reisende_Tab.html) or are tested negative at the laboratory upon arrival, they won’t have to self-isolate for two weeks.

Passengers in Germany and other EU member states must pass the COVID-19 test at one of their country’s medical facilities of stay accredited and authorized to conduct the above test. Information on these medical institutions located in Germany is available at the following website (https://www.meinbdl.de/coronavirus), and the relevant details on EU member states can be obtained on the website of the formal structures of these countries.

As previously reported, special rules will apply during departures and arrivals and on board the aircraft. “Azerbaijan Airlines” prepared a video instruction available at https://youtu.be/Rbb_I0NsW7U.


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