
Russia to send another group of COVID-19 specialists to Azerbaijan

The Federal Medical-Biological Agency (FMBA) of the Russian Federation will soon send a second group of specialists to Azerbaijan.  They will work in the” red zone ” together with Azerbaijani doctors, helping them fight COVID-19, Report says.

Earlier, Vladimir Nikiforov, chief specialist in infectious diseases, and chief pulmonologist Alexander Averyanov visited several hospitals in Baku and regions re-designed for receiving coronavirus patients. The Agency’s specialists positively assessed the work of medical organizations in Azerbaijan, noting the high qualification of personnel, including medical institutions’ equipment with the necessary modern facilities.

According to the specialists of the FMBA of Russia, the epidemiological process in Azerbaijan is proceeding as usual.

The Russian experience in the management of coronavirus patients is slightly higher since the pandemic started earlier in Russia. Our specialists have developed a set of measures that allow us to fight the disease most effectively, and we have shared it with Azerbaijani doctors. Russia did not have any fundamental differences in the treatment of COVID-19 patients. We only slightly corrected the narrow professional issues of prescribing medicines, ” said Vladimir Nikiforov, chief specialist in infectious diseases stated.

Notably, Russian doctors are also interested in some of the methods used by Azerbaijani specialists.



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