
Azerbaijani youth stage protest rally before Armenian embassy in Georgia

A group of young Azerbaijanis is staging a “silent” protest before the Armenian embassy in Georgia, Tbilisi, says Georgian Bureau of Report. 

The rally protested the recent attempts and provocations by Armenia against Azerbaijan in the direction of the Tovuz region.

The youth wearing t-shirts with the slogans in English, “End to Armenian terror!”, “End to Armenian aggression!” and “End the occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh!” stood in silence before the embassy for an hour. Thus they objected to the aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan, shelling civilians and homes, and expressed respect for the memory of martyred Azerbaijani service members.

Protesters holding Azerbaijani and Georgian flags wore masks with writings “Stop COVID-19” and “Stop Armenia”.

Adnan Huseyn, the initiator of the action, spoke about the purpose of the rally: “We demand the international community to put pressure on Armenia to liberate Azerbaijani lands and restore the violated rights of Azerbaijanis, who were expelled from Homeland. We will avenge every drop of martyrs” blood, and stand by our soldiers on the front.”


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