
Jeyhun Bayramov moots Armenian provocations with ECO Secretary General

Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov had a phone conversation with the Secretary-General of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) Hadi Soleimanpour. Report informs, J. Bayramov accepted the sincere congratulations of H. Suleimanpour, thanked for the support of Azerbaijan’s active participation in the ECO.

The parties exchanged views on the possibilities of developing cooperation in the field of trade, information and communication technologies, transport, logistics, and other areas within the ECO. J. Bayramov informed the Secretary-General about the military provocation committed by Armenia on the international border of the two states, a new attempt at aggression, and the situation in the region.

He also attached importance to tension in the area due to attack by Armenia against Azerbaijan and the military occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh for almost 30 years.

The Minister, referring to the Secretary-General’s letter in connection with the latest military provocation of Armenia, expressed gratitude to H. Suleimanpour for the call for an early resolution of the conflict and, in this regard, support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.


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