
Russian expert: Coronavirus pandemic will not end before New Year

Viktor Maleev, an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Advisor for Science, Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, believes the coronavirus pandemic will not end soon, as evidenced by the growing incidence in the world. The seasonal outbreak of the disease may continue. He told in an interview with the Future of Russia. National project”, Report says. 

“Infections, by definition, will never end. If not coronavirus, but something else will exist. So we can not live without infections anyway. We will never live without infections anyway. If there were 400 thousand cases in the world in two days and the WHO said that we had not yet reached the peak, then the plateau in the pandemic scale is still ahead of us. People fly on planes, globalization, so in reality, nothing will end before the New Year. Perhaps we will face seasonal spikes, as already now in Spain or Israel – 200-400 cases.”

 “It is difficult to say whether this will be a wave of morbidity or not. It is a step-by-step and gradual process, not a one-step one.”


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