
Turkish support on Mount Ağrı: Karabak is Azerbaijan

Members of TURKAZDER (Turkish-Azerbaijani Association) conquered the peak of Mount Ağrı (5,137 m) and sent a message of support to Azerbaijan.

İlteriş Kağan Taşkınsu the head of Iğdır branch of TURKAZDER posted on Twitter, Report says.  

Activists climbed to the top of the mountain unfurled a banner expressing support for Azerbaijan: “Stop Armenian occupation,” “Karabakh is Azerbaijan!”

Starting from the afternoon on July 12, units of the Armenian armed forces, grossly violated the ceasefire on the direction of the Tovuz region of the Azerbaijani-Armenian state border.

As a result of the adequate steps undertaken by our units, the enemy was defeated and driven back suffering losses.

During the fighting, several service members of the Azerbaijan Army, including General-Major, were killed, and five were injured.


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