
Armenian provocations will be resolutely prevented: Khalaf Khalafov

“As you know, patriotic people from Azerbaijan are participating in these confrontations, and they are peacefully protesting against the aggressive policy of Armenia. On the Armenian side, radical groups are attacking Azerbaijani missions and buildings based on Azerbaijani ethnicity.”

Report informs, Azerbaijani Deputy Foreign Minister Khalaf Khalafov said at a briefing today.

“I want to tell the Armenian ruling regime that this adventure of theirs will be in vain. Because the civilized countries of the world – where they find refuge and live – will never allow provocations in their countries based on the rule of law, respect for international law, and racial discrimination.

Otherwise, they will be firmly prevented,” he said.

Notably, one person was arrested, and an officer was injured after a peaceful protest turned violent at the Azerbaijan Consulate in Brentwood on Tuesday, the Los Angeles Police Department said.

The protest, organized by the Armenian National Committee of America, Western Region, started about 2 p.m. with hundreds of Armenian American protesters marching to the consulate near the 11700 blocks of Wilshire Boulevard.

“I think this is something that shouldn’t happen in Los Angeles,” L.A. Consul General of Azerbaijan Nasimi Aghayev told NBC News. “Every side should be able to peacefully express their opinion and offer their side of the story.”


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