
Azerbaijani Ambassador, Ukrainian Vice-Prime Minister discuss tensions along Armenian-Azerbaijani border

Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine Vasily Bodnar discussed with Azerbaijani Ambassador Elmira Akhundova a wide range of issues related to the development of the Ukrainian-Azerbaijani strategic partnership and security policy, as well as the situation in the South Caucasus, in particular the recent aggravation on Armenian-Azerbaijani border.

Report informs referring to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine that the Deputy Minister thanked the Ambassador for the appeal to the Azerbaijani community in Ukraine with a call for restraint and balance. Vasyl Bodnar stressed that it is crucial to make every effort to maintain interethnic peace in Ukraine. The sides stated a common opinion on countering disinformation campaigns, which posed a threat to both countries’ security.

The diplomats also discussed practical steps to deepen political interaction and implement projects in the trade and economic sphere. They also exchanged views on intensifying cooperation within GUAM’s framework, which is chaired by the Republic of Azerbaijan.


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