
Criminal proceedings instituted against provocative journalist of WarGonzo

The General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan continues to take all necessary measures to expose the aggressive nature of the Republic of Armenia in the international arena, as well as to bring to justice the servicemen of the armed Armenian formations who have committed crimes against our army and civilians. 

In the course of the ongoing comprehensive measures and the investigation carried out by the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan, videos with open calls to violate our country’s territorial integrity, distributed on some Internet resources, were analyzed.

During the investigation, substantial suspicions arose that a citizen of the Russian Federation, Semyon Pegov, having entered into a criminal relationship with persons in Armenia and the occupied territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan, united with them in a criminal group, contrary to the requirements of the Law on the State Border of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Migration Code, illegally crossed the internationally recognized state border of the Republic of Azerbaijan without the necessary documents and outside the checkpoints, that is, through Armenia and penetrated the territory of Khankendi city and other occupied territories in order to support the illegal regime operating under the name “Nagorno-Karabakh Republic”.

The investigation also established grounds for suspicion that Semyon Pegov, to help the Artsakh puppet regime created on the occupied territories of Azerbaijan due to the military aggression of Armenia, filmed numerous Armenian volunteers, who had arrived allegedly to protect this regime. He interviewed members of the terrorist groups operating in the occupied territories and, publishing many videos on his pages on social networks, urged citizens of the Russian Federation to come to the war zone to assist the Republic of Armenia. S. Pegov also distributed similar materials calling for the violation of the territorial integrity of our country.

On the fact, the General Prosecutor of the Republic of Azerbaijan initiated a criminal case under Articles 214-2 (public calls for terrorism), 281.1 (public calls against the state), and 318.2 (illegal crossing of the state border of the Republic of Azerbaijan) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The investigation of the case was entrusted to the Investigation Department of the General Prosecutor’s Office.

The Prosecutor General’s Office has sent a request for legal assistance to the country’s competent authorities of which the person is a citizen.

Intensive investigative measures continue.


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