
First maritime cargo shipment from UAE enters Haifa Port

The first ship carrying cargo from the United Arab Emirates to Israel entered the Haifa Port on Monday. The vessel had iron, firefighting equipment, cleaning equipment, and electronic equipment. It will bring cargo from the Emirates weekly, Report says, citing TASS.

The shipment marks a new tradeline between Israel and the UAE. Exports from Israel to the Emirates are also being considered, according to Port2Port.

The cabinet is set to vote on Israel’s peace agreement with the UAE on Monday, ahead of a Knesset debate and vote on Thursday.

The ship that entered Haifa on Monday, the MCS Paris, covers a route between India, Israel, and other Mediterranean ports.

“This is an exciting and historic event. It is symbolic that the first ship with cargo from the Emirates arrives exactly at the same time as the approval of the historic agreement in the Israeli government,” said Eshel Armony, chairman of the Haifa Port Company board of directors, according to Port2Port.” The Haifa Port proves time and time again its importance to the Israeli economy, and we are convinced that this importance will only intensify at the end of the privatization process in which we are now,” he said.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the ship “made history.”A new trade route was opened between the UAE and Israel,” the prime minister tweeted. “The peace agreement between us leads to collaborations that will bring billions to the citizens of Israel. It is especially important during the coronavirus period, so we can help everyone and strengthen the economy.”


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