
Ilham Aliyev: Rocket attack on Ganja is another manifestation of Armenian fascism

We hoped that the Nagorno-Karabakh issue would be resolved by political means hereon because we believed that the military stage had already ended, the aggressor had learned a lesson on the battlefield, and after that, he would reckon with the reality and show a positive approach at the diplomatic level. Unfortunately, however, we did not see this. “

Report informs, the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, said in an interview with the Turkish Haber Global TV channel.

“The ceasefire, which was supposed to come into force at 12:00, was violated by the Armenian side. A terrible crime was committed against the civilian population at night. The city of Ganja came under rocket fire from Tochka-U. As a result, civilians were killed and wounded. This is another manifestation of the ugly face of Armenian fascism. Now the Armenians of the world, their patrons and Islamophobic circles will not be able to hide this crime, “the President stressed.


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