
Azerbaijan responds to Canadian Foreign Minister

Press Service Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan has commented on the statement by Canadian Foreign Minister dated November 11, 2020.

Report informs, the statement reads:

“It is regrettable that the Canadian Foreign Minister’s statement on the cessation of military operations between Armenia and Azerbaijan is unilateral and openly expresses pro-Armenian sentiments.

It looks like the Canadian Foreign Minister who did not make any statement that would condemn the occupation of the Azerbaijani territories by Armenia and the violation of human rights of hundreds of thousands of Azerbaijanis nearly for 30 years and contribute to the negotiation process and support the implementation of the relevant UN Security Council resolutions, now began to engage with the conflict.

We remind that the joint statement on complete ceasefire and cessation of all hostilities between Azerbaijan and Armenia was signed on November 10, 2020, by the President of Azerbaijan, the Prime Minister of Armenia, and the President of Russia. This agreement, based on UN Security Council resolutions, is currently being implemented.

No state, especially those far from the territory, can be more interested in ensuring peace and security in the region than the region’s countries.

Suppose Canada truly wants to ensure sustainable peace in the region. In that case, it should act under the principles of international law and UN Security Council resolutions and make statements in this respect. The contrary is nothing but the damage to the conflict’s political settlement and establishing peace in the region.”


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