
Lavrov is convinced that agreements on Karabakh will be preserved

“We see today’s protests in Armenia, how the opposition wants to speculate on this issue.” Report informs, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated at a press conference in Moscow.

“There shouldn’t have been any illusions that the seven regions (of Azerbaijan – ed.) should forever remain in the position they were in a month or a month and a half ago. And I believe that the responsible authorities should have explained to people that it will be necessary to implement the return of these lands based on all the agreements reached. And there would be no bloodshed.

We would prefer to see the conflict resolved a long time ago based on the OSCE Minsk Group, principles that the President of Azerbaijan spoke about more than once, and emphasized his readiness to carry out what was proposed by the co-chairs. If we followed this path, the result would be practically the same, but without bloodshed with a link to a political settlement, “Lavrov said.

The head of the Russian Foreign Ministry also noted that the unblocking of all communication links between the two countries is an essential factor.

“This will play a huge role in the region, primarily for Armenia, which suffered the most in this situation due to the lack of trade, closure of borders with Azerbaijan and Turkey. Everyone wins eventually. I am convinced that the Armenian government understands its responsibility based on its people’s interests, and the integrity of the agreement reached will be preserved and implemented. “


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