
Azerbaijani MP chides Iran for hypocrisy, backing Armenia

“For several days now, Iran has been holding military exercises near the Azerbaijani borders that have provoked irony and raised a storm of laughter internationally. These actions of Iran, which is a “show of muscle-flexing” with military equipment that is incomparable to modern weapons and equipment, are out of proportion,” the chairman of the Motherland Party, MP Fazail Agamali, told Report.

Fazail Agamali

He said that Iran’s intolerance with Azerbaijan that has continued behind the scenes since the independence period, is clearly expressed in these military exercises.

“The question is why Iran has not held military exercises in the last 30 years, what is the purpose of these drills and against whom? Speaking of Muslim solidarity, why did Iran not point a finger at Armenia, which had invaded and razed to the ground Azerbaijani lands and insulted mosques? This means that there is an insidious purpose behind it. During the occupation, Iran also provided comprehensive assistance to Armenia and turned a blind eye to the insult of Islamic values by Armenian vandals. By being indifferent to such cases, Iran has not only been indifferent to Islamic values, but has also betrayed them. The fact that Iran has turned a blind eye to the destruction and insult of our mosques by the Armenian fascists reveals its complete face and hypocrisy. These mosques were destroyed with joint participation of Persians and Armenians and transported to Iran. During the occupation, our natural resources were also plundered and delivered to Iran in the same way. This is their face and essence.”


One Comment

  1. The thankless government of Azerbaijan has forgotten all the supports of Iran during the Karabakh war. Unfortunately, the current government of Azerbaijan concentrates on tribal ties under the influence of Erdogan, rather than giving importance to Muslim world unity. In all these years Iran tried to have a logical and friendly relationship both with Azerbaijan and Armenia because both of them are our neighbors. But today, Azerbaijan government has made the land a base for Zionist child-murderess. The Zionists want to be as close as possible to Iran in order to increase their terrors and sabotages in Iranian territory. But the Islamic Republic of Iran will never let this happen, God willing,

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