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The world’s 5 biggest technology giants: can they disappear?

Apple, Microsoft,Google”,“ Amazon ”and“Facebook”Affects the life of the planet on a global scale. Will they explode like soap bubbles, or will they take on the role of states and become dynasties?

According to with reference to foreign media, USAhas five technological superpowers – Apple, Microsoft,Google”,“ Amazon ”and“FacebookThey are giants, they are growing, and humanity cannot turn a blind eye to this.

The New York Times warns that the endless resources of these companies will help them stay on top. There is so much demand for their products that even the darker parts of their kingdoms are incredibly popular.

“I just want to say that big technology companies are very, very, very, very big and very, very, very, very, very rich,” wrote Shira Ovide, the author of the article in the newspaper.

Too much money

In particular, despite the fact that Apple has problems with the restriction of personal data, it will continue to make a profit for many years to come.Facebook”Goes from.

At the same time, Apple’s profit for the last year – 101 billion dollars Walmart, General Motors, Exxon, Pfizer, Verizon, Disney, Coke and McDonald’s surpassed their total annual profits.

Even Facebook, which is suddenly disappointed, will be alone in 2021 USA and an average of 214 per user in Canada dollars earned income.

Facebook is one of the best money-making machines in the history of the Internet, and even if it breaks down, the process will be slow.

Earlier it was reported that the G7 countries agreed in June 2021 on a global income tax for international technology giants.

If we are talking about indicators, not money, for example, people every day 15 billion They are watching YouTube shorts. YouTube shorts are a response to the company’s small TikTok videos.

Bezos’s yacht did not fit under the bridge

Microsoft has an unpopular search engine, Bing, which sells ads on the Internet, including LinkedIn.

However, the company’s annual 10 billion Advertising sales of more than $ 1 billion are about the New York Times’ 2021 ad sales 20 many times.

Shares of Amazon, like many technology companies, have fallen about 18 percent this year. But Amazon is so big that its $ 267 billion liquidity alone is equal to Disney’s total value.

Jeff Bezos’ new yacht is so big that the bridge in the Netherlands will be demolished to allow the boat to sail.

He has recently invested billions in the technology of eternal life.

Can technology giants die?

The author acknowledges that people and companiesGoogleWe need products from Microsoft, Amazon and Facebook. However, history has shown that dominant companies do not last long.

However, this handful of technology companies are so involved in the economy, geopolitics and people’s lives that they last longer than ever.

Of course, they have a problem: we have previously analyzed the conflict between Google and Facebook with Australia.

Microsoft and Apple are over 45 years old. Google and Amazon appeared about 25 years ago. For most of their history, they have been rich and successful.

The author believes that all this leads to controversy over whether our digital lives are defined by dynamism or permanent dynasties that shine with world domination.

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