Azerbaijan news

Can the South Caucasus become a new front in the US-Russia conflict?


“USA and Turkey’s position in the South Caucasus is strengthening compared to Russia.

“USA and Turkey’s position in the South Caucasus is strengthening compared to Russia.

“She according to also, the USRussia snowIt is not so convincing that it will turn into a joke. In the struggle for the South Caucasus political It is clear that Russia has won. Although that, Georgia is unequivocally this and or in another form of the United States political passed under control. Azerbaijan pursues a policy in line with its interests with the West. In this sense, it is unlikely that the United States will achieve anything here again. Washington is so big for Azerbaijan now political there is no pressure. Armenia and The government in Georgia has changed. In Azerbaijan, the government-people’s union prevails. In all cases, the South Caucasus will remain the same. Neither Russia nor the United States. On the contrary, Turkey’s position in our region is stronger than in these two countries.

Rufat Sultan


Azerbaijan news

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