Azerbaijan news

A local platform where you can find executors for your day-to-day work

An online services market platform that has been operating in Azerbaijan for some time More than 3,000 tasks executionwas able to combine the platform on the platform. The operating logic of the platform is many services from Azerbaijan executionçısı online form unit collect in the database, and then with the offer of the services of those persons executionto help employees find suitable candidates for their jobs at an optimal price. Customers on the platform repair services, computer solutions, language learning, nanny service, photo, videoaudio support, courier, beauty, health as daily and They can use the suggestions of the executors on the platform for their monthly needs.

More than 3,000 executors and customers requested on the platform and can send them their proposals in accordance with their requirements, create a request to participate in the created tasks. Here the executors wish and by creating tasks according to their needs unit can receive offers from several executors on the platform. This, in turn, leads to competition and leads to the execution of the work at a more optimal price. Along with the client, ie the job offer, the platform is also free to be an executor. That is if you have any knowledge and if you have the ability, easily azdo.azYou can register on and offer your services to those who place an order. type services platform is considered one of the most popular solutions in the world. Until now, people in Azerbaijan could find such services more on advertising sites. Ad opportunities are more limited on ad sites and executive because it focuses more on product sales and only an initial contact was established between the customer and other processes carried out outside. Execution of work on the platform and Placement of the order takes place online from the beginning to the end and here, after the work is completed, the executors are given a rating. As a result, the next customers are more free to choose the executor and they can act wisely. In addition to online services on the platform, it is possible to perform traditional services offline. The only thing the customer needs here is to create an assignment and to consider appeals for that task.

Creating a task on the platform is very simple. In the first stage of the 3-stage process, the customer describes the task, then the details and at the end, it notes the budget he has set for the task. Candidates who meet these requirements, ie executors, begin to send proposals to the executor to perform the task.

For those who love the freelance model, the platform provides additional income. Customer on the said platform and to become an executor you can visit the platform.

Azerbaijan news

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