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Influential insider Hideo Kojima has announced his new game

Tom Henderson An influential insider named “Metal Gear Solid”Game series and“Death Stranding”Who is the creator of the game Hideo Kojimagave information about the new game of Thus, according to Henderson Kojima Productions new game currently being developed by the studio “Overdose”Was named. Anyway the game is currently called this kind. However, it is unknown whether the final version will get the same name. In addition, it was noted that a new game is being developed horror (fear) genre and actress as the main character in the game Margaret Qualley will perform.

It should be noted that the actress is also in the game ‘Death Stranding’ Mama revived the image. In the original version of the game, presented to Henderson, the character, played by Margaret Qualley, moves in the dark corridors with a blue frosted flashlight. And what happened third-person occurs in the format. That is, the camera is displayed on the shoulders of the main character. But according to the information in the game first-person format can also be. That is, in this case, the camera will be displayed through the eyes of the main character.

The teaser video for Henderson ends with a scary scene, and then on the screen “GAME OVER”Is displayed. After that, on the screen “A Hideo Kojima Game”And then the name“ Overdose ”is displayed. According to some reports, Hideo Kojima has released his new game as well Xbox also wants to sell for consoles. According to Henderson, the announcement of the new game may take place in the near future. It should be noted that in the coming days Summer Game Fest 2022 and Xbox & Bethesda Game Showcase 2022 There will be an online event called. Hideo Kojima’s new game may be announced at one of these events.

Azerbaijan news

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