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It is known when the process of formation of galaxies with the first stars in the early universe was completed

German scientists have determined that the process of formation of galaxies with the first stars was previously thought 200 million years ended later. Scientists call this process “cosmic dawnThey call. Cosmic dawn refers to the period when the first stars in the history of the early universe became accustomed and light spread in space. This period in the history of the early universe “dark periods”Occurred after a time interval called. The first stars had a very large mass, and their lifespan was very short because they exploded constantly. Scientists think that the cosmic dawn period 250-350 million years after the Big Bang then took off. During this period, not only the first stars but also the first galaxies were formed, and the light of the stars began to spread throughout the universe. hydrogen began to ionize again.

One of the main results of a new study is that the first stars and galaxies may be closer to us. This allows them to make their observations more easily. Scientists hope that the new, ready to work James Webb The space telescope will be able to observe galaxies with those first stars. Thus, the main purpose of this telescope is to look at the early stages of the universe. It should be noted that the first photos obtained by James Webb will be presented on July 12. The hydrogen gas currently covering the intergalactic space is completely ionized. However, in the early history of the universe, scientists have been very active in discussing when the re-ionization period will end.

Sarah Bosman and her colleagues created 67 pieces to get new information about the time indicators covering the space dawn period. quasar used the light. These quasars are the brightest and most active nuclei of new galaxies super massive black holes are fed and located at a great distance. Scientists have determined that these quasars formed 1 billion years after the Big Bang. When analyzing the light of these quasars, scientists have identified these lights from neutral hydrogen through intergalactic space with ionized hydrogen appointed when they met. Thus, scientists have been able to calculate a new time at the end of the cosmic dawn. According to the final results, the space dawn period ended 1.1 billion years after the Big Bang.

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