Azerbaijan news

The fantastic price of gasoline or who are we compared to? |

From July 13, a liter of EU-98 (“Super”) brand gasoline in Azerbaijan costs 2 manats and 30 kopecks (1 dollars 35 cents), a liter of EU-95 (“Premium”) gasoline is 2 manats (1 dollars 17 cents) was determined.

From January 5, 2021, a liter of EU-92 gasoline is 1 manat (58 cents), and a liter of diesel fuel is 80 kopecks (47 cents).

Economist Samir Aliyev writes that when comparing the price of fuel in Azerbaijan with foreign countries, two criteria should be taken as the basis: “The first criterion should be the oil exporting countries, and the second criterion should be the developing countries. Only in this case, it is possible to claim that the price of fuel is “cheaper” in our country than in other countries. The reality is prices increasing Azerbaijan not in favor of the government. of EU-92 and diesel prices officially, of EU-95 and EU-98 prices regulated informally. The government does not want to give a few million to the fuel, while the increase in the price of oil and gas has earned the country additional billions.

In Kazakhstan, a liter of EU-95 brand gasoline costs 40 cents, and in Russia, it costs 85 cents offer is being The price is 30 cents in Kuwait and 60 cents in Saudi Arabia. I am not talking about Iran, Venezuela, Angola, Iraq, Nigeria.

In Kazakhstan, a liter of EU-95 brand gasoline costs 40 cents, and in Russia, it costs 85 cents offer is being The price is 30 cents in Kuwait and 60 cents in Saudi Arabia. I am not talking about Iran, Venezuela, Angola, Iraq, Nigeria.

A liter of gasoline is 2.4 euros with Norway, 2.3 euros with the Netherlands, 1.4 dollars which is USAComparison with is not successful. Because they are developed countries and people’s earnings are many times higher in Azerbaijan.”

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