Azerbaijan news

Gazprom’s shares fell by 30 percent

Shares of the Russian company Gazprom in October 10decreased by 29.7 percent. The index of the Moscow stock exchange fell to 8.7 percent

Shares of the Russian company Gazprom in October 10decreased by 29.7 percent. The index of the Moscow stock exchange fell to 8.7 percent.

This is the lowest level since the start of Russia’s intervention in Ukraine in February.

Financial analysts attribute the fall in stock prices and the stock market index to the escalation of the war in Ukraine, as well as the suspension of dividends.

News given that October 10Gazprom shareholders will not be able to receive dividends for the first half of the year.

According to the decision of the shareholders’ meeting, the price of one share of Gazprom was raised to a record level – 51.03 rubles per share.

Gazprom’s income increased 2.6 times

The Moscow Stock Exchange announced a discrete auction of Gazprom shares in order not to stop the sale due to a sharp drop in share prices.

After that, the price of shares began to be corrected.

According to the results of the first half of 2022, the net income of Gazprom increased by 2.6 times compared to last year and reached 2.51 trillion rubles.

Such an increase in income in Europe gas due to the sharp increase in prices.

Due to Russia’s intervention in Ukraine and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy, the price of gas in Europe has increased 10 times compared to last year.

Russia There are still no gas sanctions

Eight packages of sanctions against Moscow were adopted due to Russia’s attack on Ukraine.

Of course, none of these sanctions packages gas not included.

In addition to the Russia Europe to a number of countries of the Union gas stopped giving. Some EU members themselves Russia they refused gas.

In June 2022, Gazprom significantly reduced the volumes of gas supplied to Europe through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline.

Moscow said that the reason for this was technical difficulties due to sanctions.

EU members gas Russia political accused of using it as a tool of pressure.

Moscow denies this charge.

Three of the four branches of the North Stream 1 and North Stream 2 belts in September explosion damaged as a result.


Azerbaijan news

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