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The fight against bribery abroad is at its lowest level

Covering 2 percent of global exports Russia launched a single investigation into foreign bribery

Only two of the world’s 47 leading exporting countries strictly implement measures against cross-border bribery, which 20It is the lowest level since 09. This is reported by Transparency International (TI).

In the report “Exporting Corruption”, the organization evaluated the efforts in this direction of 43 of the 44 countries that have signed the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention, as well as large exporters such as China and India. Conversation 2018– To officials in foreign countries in 2021 a bribe it is about investigating, prosecuting and punishing companies that have given

The countries and territories under review account for nearly 85 percent of global exports, the report released on Oct. 11 said.

TI found that the agency’s efforts to fight overseas bribery prompted this assessment 20It has fallen to its lowest level since 2009.

Abroad, bribery plays a destructive role, budget money flows into private pockets, and large multinational companies gain immense influence. The report notes that corruption takes a heavy toll on weak public institutions and economies in developing countries.

The TI investigation found a “worrying” decline in anti-bribery measures in recent years. Switzerland, which accounts for only 11.8 percent of global exports, and USAIt is emphasized that they work actively in this direction, conduct research according to their share in exports, and impose sanctions.

Most of the countries covered by the report – 38, including the world’s largest exporter China, despite its share of up to 55 percent of global exports, have limited or no fight against bribery.

“Governments today are faced with numerous challenges – from growing kleptocracy, to climate catastrophe, to economic hardship. But leaders should not ignore the cross-border corruption that exaggerates these threats and prevents solutions. – Head of Transparency International Delia Ferreira Rubio said.

The report notes that covering 2 percent of global exports Russia opened only one foreign bribery investigation, none crime He started the work and did not finish it. Bulgaria, which accounts for 1.9 percent of world exports, and Hungary, which accounts for 0.5 percent, are also included in this category.

However, the institution also states that there is a reason for optimism, investigative journalists, news those who transmit NGOnotes that some cases have been revealed.


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