Azerbaijan news

One out of every 25 people between the ages of 20 and 25 in Azerbaijan can find a job

Unemployment is the most expressed by the population in Azerbaijan social is one of the problems. According to official figures, the unemployment rate in the country is around 6 percent. However, independent experts think that the government guides citizens in this indicator and allows manipulations. The fact that shareholdings are not counted as unemployed, the large number of housewives and other such factors allow the government to hide the true level of unemployment. However, the problem is already beyond concealment. These days Labor and Population social Within the Ministry of Defense Labor Market and Social on Defense Affairs National The figures released by the Observatory clearly show the difficulties in finding a job in the country. The most noticeable point here is the limited job opportunities among young people.

The representative of the institution said that in Azerbaijan 20-One out of every 25 people between the ages of 25 and looking for a job (only 4 percent) can find a job. It can be seen from the figures released by the State Statistics Committee (SSC) that unemployment among young people in the country is higher and sharper compared to other age groups. According to the indicator at the beginning of this year, in Azerbaijan 20– Among persons in the 24-year-old age group, unemployment was 16.4 percent among women and 12.3 percent among men. These figures are two to three times higher than the national average.

Looking at youth unemployment from a geographical point of view, it becomes clear that the unemployment rate is higher in cities. Living in cities 20– The unemployment rate among 24-year-old men is 22.3 percent. Among women of the same age group living in cities, this number exceeds 16 percent. In rural areas, on the contrary, unemployment among women is higher than among men. While the official unemployment rate for rural women between 20-24 years old is 16.5 percent, it is 3.8 percent for men.

As you get older, it becomes harder to find a job

Among the numbers announced by the observatory, the age requirement is also noteworthy. The institution’s investigation revealed that Azerbaijan labour The average age required by employers in the market is 33. To women offer the average age required in the jobs was 30, for men 35. By age group, the group with the most problems is over 45 years old. Their probability of finding a new job in the country’s labor market is decreasing. In general, as people age, their inability to meet the demands of the labor market, of course, the government education makes it inevitable to review its policy. In many developed countries of the world, in order for employees to adapt to innovations and withstand competition in the labor market, it has become a norm to involve them in periodic courses, improve their professional skills, and implement projects for this purpose. The lack of such activity in Azerbaijan leads to a decrease in the competitiveness of elderly people in the labor market and to their increasing social problems as they age.

Where are there more job opportunities?

According to the research of the institution, one out of every five employers receives the most job announcements from which sector in Azerbaijan bank– companies in the financial sector. Next in line is the retail sector. It ranks third among the most demanding fields in the labor market in Azerbaijan information technology sector.

In the structure of job announcements, educational requirements are also noteworthy. Currently offer in 70 percent of job advertisements higher education there is a demand. 23 percent of employers require a high school diploma. In 7 percent of job advertisements education category is not shown. Another noteworthy point is related to graduate studies. In the country offer in only 0.7 percent of the vacancies, it was indicated that the candidates should have a master’s degree. However, it cannot be denied that interest in master’s degree education has been growing in Azerbaijan in recent years. 2017-2018In the academic year, 13,000 people applied for master’s education in Azerbaijan. This number increased to 20 thousand last year. Therefore, the number of those who want to study for a master’s degree has increased by more than 50 percent in four years.

Education is not in line with market requirements

The analysis of job announcements shows that almost only jobs are available in the country Absheron originates in the peninsula. According to the statement of the institution, 92 percent of employing companies have their offices in Baku. The share of the second place Sumgait city is only 1.2 percent. About 6 percent of employers are located in all other regions and cities.

Azerbaijan a factor causing problems in the labor market higher is the quality of education. According to studies, there is an inverse correlation between the qualifications and education of job seekers. In this regard, in the country higher educated graduates also find it difficult to find a job in their specialty, after graduation they are definitely involved in some international certification program. Only after that, the probability of finding a job in their specialty increases.

Azerbaijan news

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