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The Czech Republic will not let Russian citizens into the country

“The supporter of the war Russia it is unacceptable for its citizens to travel freely”

Czech government since October 25 Russia decided not to let its citizens into the country.

This rule is optional European Union it also applies to those who receive a “Schengen visa” from their country for tourism, sports and cultural purposes.

Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky made an official statement about this.

He said that so far International weather every day through the ports 20About 0 Russians came to the Czech Republic: “After that, a ban on their arrival will be applied.”

“In Ukraine Russia rockets child every day when it falls on people in their yards and just on their way to work 20Russian citizen international up to 0 weather through the port to the Czech Republic trip “, Lipavski said.

The “Euronews” website writes that Finland, the Baltic countries and Poland have also closed their borders for Russian tourists in recent weeks.

According to him, the reason for this is the war.

“It is unacceptable that Russian citizens who support the war can travel freely around the world, in Lithuania and in the EU”, – Lithuania interior minister Agne Bilotaite said so.

The Czech Republic imposed a visa ban on citizens of Russia and Belarus following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February, which remains in place except in humanitarian cases.

On October 12, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic approved a decree allowing Ukrainians who have received temporary protection in another EU country to request a temporary visa in the Czech Republic.

The ban will not only apply to visas issued for business purposes or those who have the right to reside in the country.

At the same time, Europe Ambassadors of the Union of Russia Ukraine and in Georgia decision not to recognize Russian passports issued in the occupied territories did.

European Union believes that this decision of Russia against Ukraine is unreasonable and unjustified military is a response to Russia’s aggression and the practice of issuing Russian passports in the occupied regions.

Decision as well as Russia 20In 2008, it was also directed against Georgia’s recognition of the independence of the regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

of the Czech Republic interior minister Vit Rakushan said that the said decision is also European Union pursues the goal of protecting the security of the external borders of its members.

Russia in 2014 of Ukraine annexed the Crimean peninsula.

On September 23-27, 2022, Russia held so-called referendums in the territories it occupied in Ukraine.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on the admission of these territories to Russia decree signed.

However, Russia of Ukraine does not fully control the territories of the so-called DPR and LXR, as well as Kherson and Zaporozhye provinces.

UN and most countries of the world did not accept the results of the so-called referendums.

Georgia considers Abkhazia and South Ossetia, whose independence Russia recognizes, as its territory.

The European Union also says that it will not completely ban the issuance of visas to Russian citizens.

At least Europe should be open to dissidents and those who oppose the war.

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